
If we don't start with something, we'll never get started. I included all you need to give the officials a nudge... especially, as you know, if we can get 500 folks together to get the work done. Gotta start somewhere. Quote them the Constitution to them, and if they don't listen, quote it, again. That's how you learn... repetition, repetition, repetition. Make it important to them, make it their priority, weary them with lessons and quotes from the Constitution. Think of the example of the Unjust Judge. He finally yielded to the widow just to get her to go away. People are beginning to wake up and really be interested in the Constitution. They're beginning to realize what they're in danger of losing. The field is ripe for harvest! Here is a great election sermon from Capstone Chapel. I hope you'll enjoy it..


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How can we expect our elected to follow the Constitution when most American citizens do not enforce it or even understand it. No. The states and the people of the states were left with the responsibility to make sure the federal government stayed inside its constitutional lane. Read Art. 1 Sec. 8, 9, 10. Anything not delegated to the federal government in Art. 1 Sec. 8 belong to the states. Its not rocket science and it is time the AMERICAN PEOPLE started following the Constitution and REFUSE TO COMPLY with any and all laws, rules, regulations, treaties, international agreements, EOs, and Supreme Court opinions that violate the Constitution. The power is with the people NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. How many people even understand (for example) that a Presidential EO pertains ONLY to the Executive Branch in order to execute CONSTITUTIONAL laws (created inside Art. 1 Sec. 8) created by the Congress. Time to stop pushing the blame and take accountability.

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